

EEG. High- and low-density electrode arrays, in both wet and dry preparations, and fully wired and wireless portable systems. Experience with BioSemi and EMOTIV systems.

Eye tracking. Head-mounted and fixed position systems, Fixation- and saccade-based analyses of temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements. Experience with Tobii, SMI, and Smart Eye systems.

Behavioral & UX Research

Generative and evaluative experimentation and task analysis research in applied and academic contexts. Methods span a variety of common performance measures: Accuracy, reaction time, psychophysical approaches, subjective ratings task including pairwise, sorting, and Likert-scale questionnaires.

Heuristic evaluations, remote interviews, focus groups, diary studies, card sorting, journey mapping, and survey design and analysis.

Analysis Techniques

Quantitative. Inferential and descriptive, ICA/PCA/MDS, multivariate, linear and logistic regression.

Qualitative. Sentiment analysis and insight generation.

Software Tools

Actiview, SPSS, E-Prime, Adobe Audition, Lightroom, and Illustrator, GIMP, EyesDX Mapps, and Microsoft Office products. Emerging expertise of MatLab, EEGLab, and Rstudio, Trello, and various Agile team tools.

Program & Project Management

Agile practitioner, leader of UX and design research programs, expert schedule and resource visualizer.